42 Clever Calligrams That Visualize The Meanings Of Various Words
Link: digitalsynopsis.com/design/hidden-meaning-logos-word-as-image-calligrams/
Link: digitalsynopsis.com/design/hidden-meaning-logos-word-as-image-calligrams/
Link: www.designspells.com/
Discover micro-interactions, easter eggs, and other seemingly extra design details that infuse life, personality, and fun back into the web.
Link: www.404s.design/
404 pages, where joy and errors meet. A growing gallery of 404 page designs from around the internet. For all those lost pages, error pages & page not found out there.
Link: scroll-driven-animations.style/
A bunch of demos and tools to show off Scroll-driven Animations
Link: minimalissimo.com/stream
Scroll your way through all the content collected and curated over the years on Minimalissimo
In manchen Umgebungen möchte ich allerdings um als in der Welt nicht leben!
Link: magnasoma.com/portfolio
Wirklich sehenswert!
Link: a.singlediv.com/
A CSS drawing experiment to see what’s possible with a single div.